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Oil & Gas FAQ sheet

다이나믹소프트 2011. 3. 16. 16:37

In no other industry are there higher  stakes to make the right operational  decisions than the oil & gas industry.
On the one hand, companies are under intense pressure to ensure that their operations reliably produce enough supply to meet customer delivery schedules. On the other hand, oil & gas operations require huge capital investments for everything  from drilling equipment and pipelines  to ships and storage facilities. Over-investing in capital could cost a  company millions; under-investing  could cost them a customer.
The challenge is complicated by a  rapidly changing global business  environment that forces companies to make decisions faster. In an industry  where survival requires you to make  expensive changes quickly, the risks of making mistakes are enormous. How can you make changes with the certainty they’ll achieve their intended results  Many oil & gas companies have turned to Lanner for answers.