티스토리 뷰

프로젝트/Six Sigma

WITNESS Drives “SIM” Sigma at Cummins

다이나믹소프트 2010. 5. 19. 23:25

When a change in fuel emission standards reduced demand for its N14 truck engine, Cummins used WITNESS simulation to take £185,000 of annual savings out of the engine’s post-assembly operation. As important as it was to find these savings, however, Cummins made an even more valuable discovery through the simulation: the company learned that WITNESS could play a key role in its growing Six Sigma initiative. “The project opened the doors for using simulation in all our Six Sigma projects,” explains Maria Pasqualli, head simulation manager at Cummins. “It showed our master black belts that WITNESS could help them realise significant savings in the Design of Experiments phase of Six Sigma.”

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